Col.lectiu Sant Pons 1561
Next 2012 Firó... 05/13/2013
This web is about The Associació Cultural Col.lectiu Sant Ponç 1561 Its main purpose is to give the main information about the Firó and over our association "The big event of the year follows in the second week in May and commemorates the resident's of Soller's victory over the Moorish invaders on May 11th 1561. The celebrations are spread over 4 days, although the preparation for everything takes months beforehand. The celebrations have two very different themes. The first is called the "Fira" which takes place on the Sunday, and is essentially an agricultural show, and the more popular "Firo" is then held the following day. The central event of the "Firo" is a noisy re-enactment of the landing of the Moors, through to the final glorious victory of the Christians" This is the main annual festival that is celebrated in Sóller, and is held to commemorate the population of Sóller's victory over Moorish invaders on May 11th, 1561.
The "Firo" is organized by the "Coordinadora de la Festa 11 de Maig", the "Col·lectiu de Moros 11 de Maig", the "Col·lectiu de Pagesos i Bandolers Sant Ponç 1561", the "Col·lectiu de Pageses" and the City Council. The rest of the contend of this web page is only available in Catalan, but if you want you can see some photos , and also the information about de groups of bagpipers, the foners the bandits or visit our guest book . You also can contact us through our e-mail.


Resum del Firó 2007 (Extret d´IB3)

Discurs final del C. Angelat (Extret d´IB3)

Els pagesos a la batalla final (Extret d´IB3)

Un vídeo dels personatges.

Un vídeo de la pujada de bandera


Un vídeo del dia del Firó


Els "Xeremiers de Sóller" donant alegria a la festa.



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